Leverage the AI Persona Method to Enhance Your Business

Join the AI Persona Method Livestream Workshop

March 22nd - March 23rd, 2023

*All times listed in Pacific Time US




With the AI Persona Method, you'll be able to learn how to create valuable "AI Personas" that are available 24/7, never get tired, never complain, and produce reliable results (fast).

Learn to create AI Personas in your business for:

Increased Productivity:

The AI Persona Method streamlines the copywriting process by using artificial intelligence to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources for other tasks.

Consistent Messaging:

With the AI Persona Method, businesses can ensure consistent messaging across all customer interactions, regardless of the employee handling the communication. This helps establish a clear brand

Enhanced Customer Experience:

By using an AI Persona that's specifically designed to communicate with customers in a personalized, engaging way, businesses can provide a more effective, satisfying customer experience. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and increased sales.

At the AI Persona Method Livestream Workshop, you'll receive hands-on guidance and real-time coaching to make sure that you get the most out of Artificial Intelligence.

Get expert advice from AI Persona Method specialists

Discover the 5-part plan to improve your business with AI Persona

Join live sessions with Jeff J Hunter and other top industry professionals!

Optimize your marketing strategy in just 48 hours and know you're doing it right

Attend the workshop from the comfort of your office or home!

Boost your business growth with the AI Persona Method plan

Improve your AI knowledge and receive virtual coaching from our AI Persona Method specialists to ensure success.

Your Livestream Registration Includes:

Keynotes from Jeff J Hunter

Virtual coaching sessions in small groups throughout the workshop

Downloadable workbooks and tools

Replay of the entire workshop sent to your inbox a week after event completion, available for 2 weeks!

Take the First Step to Level Up Your Business with AI Persona

Register For The Workshop

Learn How To Improve Your Business With AI Persona

Get real-time feedback from our coach in virtual breakout rooms

Develop An A.I. Strategy That Actually Works

Sign Up Now & Receive Personalized Coaching

During the Livestream, you'll have access to an AI Persona Method expert who will provide personalized coaching to help you refine your marketing strategy.

Leave the workshop feeling confident about your knowledge and application of Artificial Intelligence in your business (and life).

Implement a plan that will immediately boost your business growth