ai consultant

Jack Austin

I help businesses unlock new possibilities and drive growth through strategic AI-powered marketing solutions.

I’m Jack, an entrepreneur and marketing expert with a passion for leveraging AI. As the co-founder of AI-Informer and founder of Grassroots Content, I have over a decade of experience helping businesses harness advanced technologies. Now based in Vietnam with

Jack Austin
ai consultant

Benoit Novel

Bridging AI Innovation with Marketing Master

Hello! I’m Benoit Novel, a marketing strategist with a rich background as the former Head of Marketing at The Agora Companies. My expertise lies in leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance marketing and monetization strategies, particularly in copywriting, Google Ads, and

Benoit Novel
ai consultant

Reena Strehle

Corporate experience and visionary leader in AI persona crafting. Expert in tailored solutions and human connections for enhanced customer experiences. Choose Reena for impactful AI alignment.

Do you want to be an industry leader? When you run a business, you are forced to wear many different hats and conduct many different operations. This drains your resources and robs you of the most important one: TIME. AI

Reena Strehle
ai consultant

Etan Polinger

Precision-Driven Prosperity for Every Client

An ex-special forces combat medic and ultra-marathoner with a knack for understanding people, a skill he honed during his time working years In the Service Industry as well as a commission-based salesperson, you know, one of those who jump at

Etan Polinger
ai consultant

Bonnie Louise

AI Powered Marketing

Hello! I’m Bonnie Louise, the proud owner of a full-service marketing agency in Melbourne. Now, I must confess, I’ve got a serious case of ‘shiny object syndrome’. I’m like a magpie, always attracted to the newest, shiniest tech on the

Bonnie Louise
ai consultant

Jay Vics

Empowering Digital Transformation – Unleashing your business power with JourneyBuilder and AI Magic!

Jay is celebrating his latest certification as an AI consultant. Paired with his other digital marketing accolades, Jay is well-equipped to lead marketing teams of all sizes either as a consultant or CMO.  

Jay Vics