social media consultant

Becoming a Top Social Media Consultant: Your Guide

By Jeff J. Hunter

October 5, 2023

Social media consultant – the next career move for every social media manager.

Ever pondered the feeling of staying up-to-date on all the latest buzzwords, trending videos, and internet phenomena? Welcome to a day in the life of a social media consultant. Like an orchestra conductor, we guide businesses through the cacophony of tweets, posts, shares, and likes.

Our job is not just about posting cute cat videos or crafting clever captions; it’s also about understanding algorithms and audience behavior.

We navigate this fast-paced digital landscape so that business owners don’t have to. We strive to maximize brand visibility and generate content that resonates with target audiences on all social media channels.

The journey to becoming such an influential maestro isn’t easy but definitely rewarding! Intrigued yet? Stay tuned for more…

Table Of Contents:

Understanding the Role of a Social Media Consultant

A social media consultant is like your business’s personal trainer for online fitness. They craft and implement strategies to strengthen your brand awareness on various social media platforms.

They’re not just about posting cute cat videos on Facebook, but they dive deep into digital marketing tactics. Just as you wouldn’t ask an amateur to handle a big job like building your house, hiring a dedicated social media professional ensures that every tweet or Instagram post has purpose and strategy behind it.

Their expertise extends beyond creating engaging posts; they also focus on lead generation, boosting web development through increased traffic, and managing your company’s reputation across all platforms – essentially maximizing your online presence in ways you didn’t even know were possible.

Keith Kakadia, Founder and CEO of sums up their role nicely: “Social Media Consultants are the eyes, ears, and voice of your company online.” That means they help protect what could be considered today’s most valuable asset: Your brand’s image in this digital world.

The Scope Goes Beyond Posts

Social media consultants can save businesses time by handling necessary tasks such as developing relevant content plans for different channels including Twitter Ads consulting. But more than that – with over 3.2 billion people using these networks globally – the potential audience reach is vast.

Imagine being able to tap into even just 1% of that population. The results would be mind-blowing.

How to Become a Social Media Consultant

You might be wondering how to kick-start your journey as a social media consultant. Let’s break it down, just like how you’d tackle a big job in social media management.

Acquiring Necessary Skills and Education

To become an effective social media consultant, education is important. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean getting another degree. Instead, focus on acquiring relevant skills in digital marketing and online platforms such as Facebook or Twitter ads consulting.

Beyond these technical abilities, interpersonal skills are also crucial for managing client relationships and offering top-notch consulting services. It’s not unlike building up your personal brand.

Pursuing Practical Experience

Dedicated experience will make you stand out among other consultants. Start by creating engaging content for different social platforms; it could even involve working with influencers. This hands-on practice can significantly boost both your resume and the effectiveness of your future consultations.


  • A successful career in media strategy takes time to build.
  • Hiring dedicated professionals may seem costly but considering the potential benefits they bring — such as lead generation — it’s worth every penny.

Note: The road towards becoming an accomplished Social Media Consultant isn’t paved overnight. Keep learning new strategies while adapting old ones to stay ahead of ever-evolving trends.- Keith Kakadia – Founder & CEO of (source)

Building Your Portfolio as a Social Media Consultant

The big job of establishing your credibility in the field of social media consulting begins with creating engaging case studies. Showcasing real-world applications of your strategies not only boosts brand awareness but also enhances your personal brand.

Importance of Case Studies

To create successful case studies, spend time understanding the needs and goals of your clients. Be it lead generation or improving their online presence, make sure to outline how you tailored social media strategy to achieve those objectives.

A top social media consultant knows that each platform has its own unique dynamics. For instance, an Instagram influencer might need help from a dedicated social media consultant who understands visual storytelling while Twitter ads require different expertise.

This guide walks through step-by-step crafting compelling blog posts which can be applied when publishing content as a consultant for relevant social platforms like LinkedIn or Medium. Keep these examples handy in order to demonstrate versatility and depth in managing diverse client needs across multiple platforms.

Publishing Content That Reflects Expertise

Your published content is another testament to offering consulting services professionally. Regularly share insights about emerging trends in digital marketing, email marketing, or web development along with tips for best practices on major social media platforms. This positions you as someone keeping up-to-date with industry developments and boosts trust among potential clients looking at hiring consultants.

With AI, publishing content should be a breeze.

Networking as A Crucial Aspect of Consulting

Let’s talk about networking. In the world of social media consulting, it’s more than just a buzzword—it’s a vital tool for success. Networking can be a great way to extend your reach, make connections with prospective customers, and create meaningful bonds in the business.

You might be wondering: How does one network effectively? It all starts by actively participating in events and online communities related to social media strategy or digital marketing consultant services. This gives you opportunities to share your expertise while learning from others—a win-win situation.

In-person meetups aren’t always feasible but don’t worry. You can also use social media platforms (quite fittingly) for networking purposes. Engaging with relevant posts on LinkedIn or Twitter can make you visible to other professionals in the field.

The Power of Building Relationships

As a social media consultant, creating strong professional relationships is crucial—not only because it boosts brand awareness but also because these connections often lead to collaborations or referrals down the line.

A great tip is offering consulting services pro bono at first—this may sound counterintuitive, but hear me out. By providing value upfront without expecting anything in return initially, people will remember your dedication when they need someone who specializes in areas like email marketing or web development later on.

This approach isn’t just practical; it makes sure that our job as consultants doesn’t become too impersonal—we’re not just managing their Facebook pages after all; we’re helping businesses grow.

Setting Up Your Social Media Consulting Business

To begin your journey into social media consulting, start by establishing a financial plan. One of the first steps to consider is financial planning.

Financial Planning

A key piece of advice for any new venture: save up before you start. Most experts recommend having three to six months’ worth of living expenses tucked away before embarking on your journey.

This isn’t just about weathering potential early-stage income fluctuations – it’s also about investing in your business infrastructure. This could include everything from purchasing relevant software tools, dedicating time and resources towards creating engaging content that boosts brand awareness, or even hiring additional team members like a digital marketing consultant or web developer if needed.

Your Online Presence & Personal Brand

An important part of being a social media consultant is having an active presence across all major platforms. This allows potential clients to see firsthand how effectively you manage profiles and engage with audiences – showcasing real-world applications of what they’ll get if they hire you.

You are selling services that help businesses increase their online visibility so make sure yours stands out. Build a personal brand that reflects who you are professionally while offering value through insightful posts related to social media strategy and trends.

Pricing Strategy for Social Media Consultants

As a social media consultant, you may be pondering on the most effective pricing strategy. One of the top strategies adopted by successful consultants is tiered pricing.

Tiered pricing offers different service levels at various price points. It provides customers with the option to select based on their budget and necessities, rather than being compelled into a single solution that fits all. This approach allows social media consulting services to meet varying client requirements effectively.

The Advantages of Tiered Pricing Approach

A well-structured tiered system helps in distinguishing between basic, intermediate, and advanced packages of your consulting services. This approach provides a range of options, so there is something to suit everyone’s needs.

In addition to flexibility, this model encourages upselling without being too pushy since higher tiers usually offer better value for money—especially when they include coveted features like dedicated social media management or access to a high-profile social media marketing consultant as part of the package.

Getting Your Pricing Right

Finding the right prices can feel like trying to pin down a moving target sometimes. However, with careful consideration and research into what other top social media consultants charge coupled with understanding how much time you spend on each task (remember: time is money.), you’ll be able to get closer to nailing down appropriate figures.

Building a Reputation as a Social Media Consultant

Feeling the sensation of overpowering your adversaries in a game of tug-of-war is like creating confidence and harmony with those on your side. You’re not just pulling on a rope; you’re building trust and rapport with your teammates. As a social media consultant, it is akin to the sensation of tugging on a rope and winning against one’s opponents; forming strong bonds with colleagues in the process.

Your reputation is that rope in this analogy – crucial for success and takes effort to maintain. So how do we build such a reputation? By delivering more than expected right from the start. Like Akvile DeFazio, President of AKvertise, Inc., once said: “Overdelivering in the beginning can make all the difference.”

Remember playing catch as a kid? When someone threw us the ball, we didn’t just stand there waiting for it; we moved towards it. Similarly, don’t wait around for opportunities or clients – chase them down.

You have heard about ‘the early bird catches the worm,’ right? In our context, think of yourself as that ‘early bird’ always striving to stay ahead by providing excellent service consistently.

Gaining Client Referrals through Exceptional Service

This isn’t just talk either – statistics back up these strategies too. Overdelivery at initial stages often results in positive word-of-mouth referrals among potential clients leading to exponential growth over time.

A well-crafted social media strategy works like magic tricks used by top magicians—astonishing audiences while keeping secrets behind their tricks only known within their circles. To ensure steady growth remember this mantra: “Be astonishingly good but keep some trade secrets under wraps.” This will give your client base enough reason to stick around curious about what’s coming next.

Maintaining Your Reputation

Finally, like a master chef carefully selecting ingredients for his signature dish, select your projects wisely. Make sure you are working with clients who value your skills and contribute positively to your reputation as a top social media consultant.

Key Takeaway: Being a top-notch social media consultant is like winning a tug of war – it’s all about building and maintaining trust. Start strong by over-delivering, then keep up the pace with exceptional service to get referrals. Just like a magician or master chef, have some trade secrets and choose your projects wisely.

FAQs in Relation to Social Media Consultant

What does a social media consultant do?

A social media consultant aids businesses in boosting their online presence. They strategize, plan, and manage brand awareness campaigns on various platforms.

How much do social media consultants make in the US?

In the US, a full-time social media consultant can earn around $46k annually, according to Glassdoor. But this figure swings depending on location and experience.


Assuming the mantle of a social media consultant is no easy task. But with determination and the right approach, it’s achievable.

Start by understanding your role – you’re not just about posting content but maximizing online presence for businesses. Next, invest in acquiring the necessary skills and education. Don’t overlook building a portfolio that speaks volumes about your expertise.

Become an active networker both online and offline to find potential clients. 

The journey might be challenging but imagine guiding brands through their digital narrative…that’s quite empowering!

If you’re serious about becoming a social media consultant, contact us today and we’ll equip you with AI knowledge and skills that will skyrocket your consultancy business.

Jeff J. Hunter

About the author

A successful entrepreneur and former Fortune 500 IT Project Manager, Jeff has a passion for helping businesses achieve success through leveraging AI and building remote teams.

As the founder of VA Staffer, he has built a company with over 150+ virtual assistants, specializing in executive assistants. Jeff's a master at leveraging AI and human capital to build things fast (and smart). He's a contributor to top business publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and he has been featured on major news networks including ABC and CBS.

About the author

A successful entrepreneur and former Fortune 500 IT Project Manager, Jeff has a passion for helping businesses achieve success through leveraging AI and building remote teams.

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