Mike Fanelli


Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo Mexico

Lightsaber Business Solutions

Hello there…


Mike’s fascination with technology ignited at the age of 15. Over the next two decades, he conquered intricate IT challenges, playing pivotal roles in Network Analysis, Business Analysis, Project Management and Service Delivery Management for renowned Finance/IT and Real Estate Fortune 500 companies.


But Mike, akin to a weary Jedi, craved an extraordinary life. At 42, he bid farewell to his lucrative job, liquidated his possessions, leaving the Canadian winters behind and embarked on a quest to Costa Rica. Armed with just seven words of Spanish and the power of Google Translate, he started a Management Company, leading a 17-member Spanish-speaking team.


While traversing this new path, Mike expanded his wisdom by gaining certification with the International Coaching Federation at Ipec. He soon became a beacon of Leadership Coaching, sharing his knowledge through a network of referrals.


Just before the arrival of Covid, Mike achieved a successful exit from his initial venture. Fueling his spirit of adventure, he sailed to Mexico, where he founded Lightsaber Business Solutions, inspired by his love for Star Wars. His company embodied the Jedi ethos of adaptability and resilience, integrating AI technology.


Today, Mike, known as OBMKenobi, draws upon his unique journey and vast experience to guide coaches, leaders and visionary entrepreneurs venturing into the digital frontier, much like Obi-Wan Kenobi guided young Skywalker in a galaxy far, far away. He acts as a bridge, connecting the realms of business and IT, demonstrating his formidable power of transformation.


In summary, Mike’s life story is an awe-inspiring odyssey. From his early days in Canada to his daring leap into entrepreneurship in Costa Rica and Mexico, he has carved a remarkable path. His mastery of technology, coupled with his coaching prowess, positions him as a guiding force for those navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape with no Jedi Mind Tricks, just results!

Certified AI Consultant since 2023

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