Human Creativity, AI Efficiency

Phoenix, AZ, United States

Master it with Mary

Introducing Mary Fain Brandt, your go-to AI Certified Consultant, specializing in collaborating with career coaches, recruiters, and small business owners. With an unwavering commitment to innovation, Mary guides fellow coaches and entrepreneurs on the transformative journey of integrating artificial intelligence into their practices.

Mary’s expertise lies in harnessing the incredible power of AI to enhance the precision and quality of coaching services. She empowers her clients by teaching them how to leverage AI for more efficient client assessments, resume reviews, and market analysis. By seamlessly integrating AI, Mary’s clients experience a significant upshift in the effectiveness of their coaching practices.

But that’s not all. Mary goes above and beyond to provide AI consulting that extends far beyond the realm of coaching. She introduces the concept of AI Personas, your virtual business partners. These AI Personas dive deep into your business operations, from marketing to copywriting, and beyond. They craft social media content, sales pages, landing pages, and email newsletters with the insight of seasoned professionals. Think of them as your own “Human-like” team members, each specializing in different facets of your business.

Mary’s mission is to help you unlock the full potential of AI in your career coaching or business endeavors. With her guidance, you’ll not only stay ahead of the curve but also revolutionize the way you connect with clients and conduct essential business operations.

Are you ready to harness the transformative power of AI? Connect with Mary Fain Brandt and watch your coaching or business thrive in the age of artificial intelligence.

Don’t be like the dinosaurs and become extinct.

Certified AI Consultant since 2023

"You opened my eyes to the pros of embracing AI as a tool. The 1.5 hrs we spent creating a persona has cut tasks in half. Thank you MARY FAIN BRANDT! If you want someone trained and certified in ChatGPT Personal Building, Mary is your person!"

Laura Bashore - Career Coach and Franchise Owner

"I have been wondering how I can streamline my social media and some computer tasks as a business owner to where I can get back to doing what I do best. Well, I found it! Thank you, Mary Fain Brandt. Being part of your A.I. strategy program I feel confident in using ChatGPT and it sounds like me which is outstanding. A personal A.I. assistant. Give Mary a try, you won’t regret it!"

Marc Hunter, Co owner of Glendale Flowers

"Mary Fain Brandt is a ChatGPT guru helping small businesses do marketing better!

Having recently dipped my toes into using AI in my business, I was intrigued by various ways of using the tool — and did some experimenting for myself and my clients. However, it felt like an untapped resource because I didn’t fully understand its capabilities.

My team members also used it to develop marketing ideas, social media content, and email messaging. But it all felt very disconnected. The voice was different. And it wasn’t as helpful as we had hoped.

Then, I received an email from my friend and colleague, Mary Fain Brandt, offering to share her expertise in using ChatGPT for small business marketing. Mary didn’t just dip her toes into AI; she jumped in the pool right up to her neck and became a Certified ChatGPT Persona Developer. WOW!

What I learned in 90 minutes from Mary was targeted specifically for my business, and it was practical and immediately implementable. We created multiple personas — for email, social media, and general marketing — teaching the AI tool how to speak to my ideal audience, who they are, what they care about, their pain points, and their desires.

Now, my entire team can use the same input for ChatGPT, and the marketing output has the same voice, speaking directly to my perfectly aligned clients. It’s like having another few members of the team suggesting well-thought-out content that the human members of my team can put “María’s spin on.”

ChatGPT will never replace our human creativity, heart, and soul — I reserve that part for myself. But it can help to generate ideas, create outlines, and put meat on the bones of concepts.

Mary made our jobs a whole lot easier. So, if you’re thinking about dipping your toe into AI for your business or want to be “schooled” by a pro, ask Mary to share how she can help."

Maria Tomas-Keegan, Career Coach

Why work with Certified AI Consultants?

Expert Guidance

Benefit from the expertise of a certified professional.

Cutting-Edge Knowledge

Stay ahead with the latest AI advancements.

Customized Solutions

Tailored strategies for your unique business needs.

Enhanced Results

Achieve better outcomes with AI-driven solutions.

Need help getting started? Contact us!