AI-Driven Growth, Human-Centered Service.

London, London, United Kingdom

Quentin Hunter

Quentin Hunter is a Certified AI Consultant, qualified Accountant, and qualified Marketer. As a result, he brings a rich blend of experience and expertise to support businesses in achieving growth and profitability.

His 30-year career is marked by leadership roles in ten companies and significant agency experience with household names such as Visa and IBM.

Quentin specializes in strategic business consulting, leveraging AI to create customized solutions closely aligned with each client’s specific business goals.

Quentin’s approach to consultancy is characterized by a hands-on, tailored strategy for each client, recognizing that each business faces unique challenges and opportunities. His commitment is to facilitating growth by employing transformative strategies that are sustainable and adaptable to changing market conditions.

Over the years, Quentin has steered businesses through various stages of their lifecycle, including start-ups, mergers, organic growth, and acquisitions. This has equipped him with the ability to manage change effectively and to guide companies in making informed decisions that embrace technological advancements, particularly in the realm of AI.

Clients who engage with Quentin can expect a consultative partnership that focuses on their needs, prioritizes clear communication, and emphasizes collaboration with client teams to ensure that strategic initiatives are properly understood and effectively implemented.

In summary, Quentin Hunter offers seasoned guidance to businesses looking to navigate the complexities of modern marketing and operational challenges, with a special focus on the practical application of AI technologies.

For organizations or individuals seeking to harness AI for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, please reach out to discuss how he can assist with your specific needs.

Certified AI Consultant since 2023

Quentin led us through his time-tested step-by-step framework for growing our business. It was eye-opening as he uncovered basic planning and implementation steps missing in our business plan. Quentin's expertise can help any business develop and implement a concrete action plan for predictable growth quarter after quarter. It would be a pleasure to have his help on future projects.

Jonathan Sherman

I recommend Quentin for his solid strategy for executing growth in set stages-so you are doing the right thing at the right time. His understanding of the strategy behind the framework is in-depth and will save you so much time and money as you scale. Quentin will make sure all the elements of success (strategy, copywriting, offer and retargeting) are in place for the best growth on the platform you want.

Shari Miller

Quentin’s Adskills and Digital Marketer Partner Certifications are well deserved. He understands not only the media buying side of things but as well as the business growth, strategy and system part too.
I have recently completed one of his training called the “30 Day Business Growth Blueprint” in which he outlines the core steps of creating a predictable & scalable customer acquisition system for your business.

Zoltan Kato

Why work with Certified AI Consultants?

Expert Guidance

Benefit from the expertise of a certified professional.

Cutting-Edge Knowledge

Stay ahead with the latest AI advancements.

Customized Solutions

Tailored strategies for your unique business needs.

Enhanced Results

Achieve better outcomes with AI-driven solutions.

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